JV Tree Services offer the following Woodland Management services:
(click the headings for a short description)
Woodland Thinning is one of our most common operations undertaken and also one of our favourite! This involves the removal of weak and inferior timber to create more light around the canopy of the remaining trees to enhance future growth of the remaining trees. Without the thinning taking place the woodland could become stagnant and stay dormant with very little growth to the trees.
Woodland Clearance / Site Clearance is where all timber is clear felled to prepare for future development or planting.
Self explanatory really!
Tree planting / Screening / Amenity Belt / Wind Breaks
Generally developed on sites to enable timber to be removed economically or for access to be gained to past un-accessible areas such as ponds/lakes etc. this also includes clearances of public rights away which are required in woodlands.
Low Impact Woodland Work includes the removal of dead / hung up / decaying trees which is a duty of care for woodland owners.
Flailing Services is undertaken to clear or create woodland tracks, shooting tracks and the destruction of small saplings and brambles/briers. This is done via a specialist compact tractor and flail unit.